I used to be a very sick boy. I can vividly remember my parents looking down on me worried and concerned about my health as I lay down sick, shivering with Malaria fever. That was many years ago when I was but a little kid. I grew up with malaria. It was so constant that I started expecting it every year at those particular times it usually comes. Malaria became my closest companion.
I went through the University with it. My first year was unforgettable. I wrote my first exam shaking with malaria fever. Some people due to the illness thought I was a sickle cell sufferer. But my genotype was and still is AA. It was not a funny experience at all. I was hospitalized many times. If you have been in that situation, you will understand what I am saying.
As I waited for my NYSC call up for national service, it struck again. But this time I became angry. I've read many Kenneth E. Hagin’s books especially the ones on faith, but putting them into practice is another thing. The anger pushed me to act. Consciously or subconsciously, I saw myself deciding to meditate on the scripture, Isaiah 33:24 . Understanding that the word “meditation” means “to ponder and mutter” I started applying it to myself. I kept thinking and telling myself that I can’t have malaria, that it is impossible for me to have Malaria. I said it in my privacy and also publicly. The devil would suggest to me that it is risky to talk like that. He would ask, “What will happen if I say publicly and then I’ll fall sick and everyone will see it? During that time, I thought I was the one thinking that not knowing it was the devil. But later I got to understand and rebuked him. And I kept saying it.
I went for NYSC service that year in the ancient city of Kano. I was posted in a hospital and accommodated at the medical students’ hostel. The mosquitoes in Kano were vicious. I was bitten on a daily basis. All my neighbours were spraying their rooms with insecticides and using mosquito nets but they were still falling sick. I refused to use those things because I have determined to test this principle to the very end.
Mosquitoes bit me mercilessly and I killed them with my hands and squashed them on the walls but I never became sick. It continued till I finished my service and left Kano. That was 11 years ago. Typhoid fever also came up around 2009 and 2010. I used the same method and I have been free from it till date. I stopped saying I can’t have malaria and typhoid and started saying I CAN’T BE SICK.
Today is my birthday (1st Dec) and I want to give God the glory and praise for all he has done in my life. It is not by power or by might but by My Spirit says the Lord!
If you believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and have confessed Him as your Lord and Savior, then know and know for sure that YOU CANNOT BE SICK. This is God’s will for you.
God bless you!